Social Media Posting Anxiety: What To Do

Nowadays, social media has become an essential tool in our lives. We use it to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts, or promote our businesses. Potential employers use it as a social resume of sorts, while potential dates use it as a way to check the other person’s “vibe.” Social media posting anxiety can get in the way of this.

It’s easy to become a passive consumer on the platforms and scroll all day through videos without actually contributing or posting anything. I would say a big reason behind people not posting or sharing their thoughts are either they lack the time or fear judgment.

If you lack the time – I get it. We can all be super busy in our everyday lives, to just be sitting around thinking of what to caption to use on a photo of our cat. I know you can eventually get around to it, especially after a nice vacation where you took a few hundred photos. Gotta let them know, we’re out here living!

social media posting anxiety gym

For the other, fearing judgment should not be an excuse. Everyone goes through social media posting anxiety, even me as I write this post. I was debating whether or not I should post a video of me and my buddy working out – you know one of those cool Instagram reels with music and such. What was stopping me? I was overthinking and hyperinflating the impact of the video on my account. What would my friends think? Would they make fun of me? Am I even fit enough to be posting this kind of content? I’ve never posted something like this before, would it be weird?

No One Cares That Much About Your Posts

The funny thing is most people aren’t paying as much attention as you think they are. We live in a fast-paced world, constantly bombarded online with news, memes, ads, etc. Chances are most acquaintances will just scroll past your post like any other. You do this too, remember?

You see it’s easy to psych yourself out and let your anxiety win. But, that shouldn’t be the case. How come all my colleagues are posting without a care in the world? The truth is, they DO CARE. They have just learned to get past the posting anxiety and do it anyways.

As I have said before, I think social media is a powerful tool. It allows you to find like-minded people and communities in this fast-paced environment we live in today. But you can’t find your clique if you don’t post. Some of you already have enough friends and don’t see the point – but are still faced with this dilemma when making a post. You know you want to express yourself but somehow you convince yourself the photo or video isn’t perfect enough.

Maybe, you HAVE to post because your job or business requires it. We here at Vita Supplements need to be posting more as well (trust me, we are working on it). You see social media platforms are like the internet’s highways. Everyone is using them every day and that is where the most traffic is at all times. It would be advantageous to put your company’s billboard on this said highway, am I right? Basically, that’s what you are doing every time you post.

The Solution To Posting On Social Media

Today, I decided to just say whatever! and post my buddy and I’s gym workout from earlier today. Guess what? I got a few comments from people I haven’t spoken to in years! My buddy from Undergrad didn’t know I was into fitness until today. He invited me to his gym for a session later this week!

Now I have to admit, I did take the Peak supplement today. All in all, It’s what gave me the confidence to film my workout today and post it. And, I’m glad I did. I think once you get past the mental block, posting just gets easier. Peak definitely helped me get past that.

That’s it for today’s post. If you are having trouble posting on social media or even shooting the videos themselves – try taking Peak before! It will help you realize that the social media posting anxiety is all in your head.

Stay strong,

Vince and the Vita Supplements Team

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