The Secret For A Natural Mood Boost
The Secret For A Natural Mood Boost
Boost your mood with the PEAK® stress eliminating matrix composed of 10 exotic nutrients and plants backed by clinical research
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Boost your mood with the PEAK® stress eliminating matrix composed of 10 exotic nutrients and plants backed by clinical research
Boost your mood with the PEAK® stress eliminating matrix composed of 10 exotic nutrients and plants backed by clinical research
New scientific discovery
(Hint Not Social Media or Finances)
Are you dealing with unnecessary stress no matter how much you meditate or exercise? It’s not your fault.
A 2022 study published in Nature Medicine of two-thirds of women and men, the largest of its kind in humans, found just one common factor in every anxious & depressive disorder in clinical men and women patients. Poor performance in the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system! They also found common in every emotionally stable person was a highly efficient mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system.
The mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system (ML-DA) is the hormone system responsible for maintaining a positive mood and motivation. This system is what allows you to feel pleasure and relaxation from everyday activities.¹
Even though everyone has a ML-DA, it doesn’t mean it is working at it’s maximum capacity. This may cause you to lose focus, overthink, have trouble sleeping, constantly feel nervous, and be unable to relax and stop worrying.²
PEAK® is unlike anything you’ve ever tried or experienced in your life before.
It is the only product in the world with a proprietary blend of 10 exotic nutrients and plants designed to stimulate low performing meso-corticolimbic dopaminergic systems (ML-DA) , the new found root-cause of your unexplained low mood.
For every tiny increase in dopamine absorption in the ML-DA means a huge jump in anxiety relief and feeling of overall well-being.
10 clinically-proven ingredients that stimulate dopamine absorption in the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic systems (ML-DA)
PEAK® is a supplement that works immediately – 15 minutes to 1 hour after dosing, you will begin feeling a slight “buzz” and the effects will gradually begin to grow stronger. PEAK® is a “‘use as needed” supplement, unlike other supplements, you don’t need to take it everyday to achieve the full benefits.
*96% of customers order 3 boxes (Our Recommended Option)
“It helped me get things done and stop worrying over thing I can’t control.”
“PEAK® helps me get out of gloomy mood and get excited for the rest of my day”
“Within 20 minutes I started to feel it. Kind of like I had a drink but with a clear headed mind.”
“I took it and I wasn’t sleepy, I wasn’t groggy. I just felt good.”
Our Customers Say
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Your order today is protected by my iron-clad 30-day 100% money-back guarantee . If you are not satisfied in how your mood is lifted or shocked at the change in mindset you experience, then at any time in the next 30 days let us know and we’ll refund you every single penny of your investment. No questions asked.
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Scientific References:
1870 N Corporate Lakes Blvd #267484
Weston, Florida 33326
+1 (305) 504-6988
Vita Supplements’ mission is to create a lifestyle supplement line that is not only meant for gym enthusiasts, but for everyone and anyone. Our goal is to create supplements that improve your well-being, help you achieve your goals, and help you conquer those obstacles life throws at you. By optimizing your skills and improving your weaknesses, we help you become the best version of yourself. Thus, after reaching those goals and accomplishing feats you thought were impossible, you begin to realize that you had it in you all along. That is what we stand by. That with our help, you realize what you are truly capable of.